Sketch books make me Happy when I am Sad

It's Been Awhile:

I've been in a bad mood lately cuz I used up all the pages in my sketch book, and didn't have a new one on hand to replace it. GOOD NEWS: I just got 2 new sketch books yesterday; it cost me $20 -_-' art's not cheap.

To get the new sketch books I first had to go to church with my buddy, and sit through 2 services cuz she was being presented a scholarship XD I mainly went to see this Sir Patrick guy who I had been told dresses like a pimp: purple pilot sun glasses, a purple suit, gold buckle shoes, and a pimp hat. Elton John immediately came to mind when my buddy told me about him. Unfortunately, yesterday he decided to dress alot more conservative: a white button shirt, and brown pants; I was highly disappointed, that is until she pointed out his car. It was a pretty weird, but awesome car, though it did look like the kinda car a pimp would drive, and to couple that with his usual unusual wardrobe, I guess it was just pretty weird XD Then! AND THEN! Buddy's little sister pointed out that there was a woman sitting in the car. We stared as we walked to our own, trying to figure out who it could be. Still curious, we decided to do a drive by. We actually left the parking lot, and went around to the other entrance. When we pulled up by Sir Patrick’s car there were resounding yells of horror and surprise, and just all around shock. Buddy's mom kept saying, "OH MY GOD!" over and over. SITTING IN THE PASSENGER SEAT OF THIS GUY'S CAR WAS A LIFE SIZE MANNEQUIN WAERING A CURLY WIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!(like the ones in the clothing stores) We all died laughing. Twas a hilarious moment, made my week!
