Longish Post (boring life stuff)

So I quit the Daycare center. I hated working there; I wasn't getting paid for the torture either. I'm gonna try and get a job a Mc. Donalds or something. The all the kids are going back to school in a couple of days, so something should open up. I'm also gonna try and become a algebra tutor at the college. Buddy, and my sister are in all likely hood both gonna need help with math this semester, I might as well get paid to help em XD The college pays, not them.
I'm sick at the moment; I think I have a cold. Bella, my kitty, is also sick so we're both sitting around the house sneezing back and forth. Her sneezes sound like ripping paper XDDD
I've been drawing, but I've had to take it slow. If I work too long I get shooting pains in my wrist. I can do a whole bunch of pencil drawings in a row, but when it comes to inking I can only do a little at a time. I hope I don't have carpal tunnel. I wouldn't be surprised if I did though. I've been drawing my whole life, and I tend to sleep on top of my hands, with my wrists bend in odd positions; when I wake up sometimes my whole arm is numb.
Anyways what I have been doing is hatching pokemon eggs on Pokefarm.org. Its easy to get obsessed when it comes to this web site XDDD I really want a Munchlax/Snorlax egg, but have yet to find one. If any of you guys have an account on there let me know, I'd be happy to hug your eggs and feed your pokemon XD I'm a total dork, I know, but I can't help it; I've just really been obsessed with Pokemon lately (not the anime, but the games; I only like the first season of the anime with the first 150 pokemon) XDDDDD
