My siter was telling me about this one dude who died, but all his life he was focused on helping people reach their goals and making their dreams come true (he actually helped this one kid get a job as a animator in the new Stars Wars movies). He seemed liked a really cool guy and the story my sister relayed to me touched me deeply and imspired me to write my own list of goals.
Problem is, and most people who know me will testify to this, I turn everything I write into a joke. If you ask me to help you come up with a story I garentee it will turn out to be a comedy -_-'
This is not always a good thing, but without further ado her is my list of goals that I may or maynot decide to achieve:
1. Become an Emo Philoshopher
2. Have a side job as a duck walker
3. Teach a dog to change a light bulb
4. Trip a presendent
5. Convince someone the earth is flat
6. eat a dictionary
7. Get the word poke tatooed on my pointer finger
8. Sleep with the fishs
9. Let my dog take a dump in the middle of my enemies chemistry text book, then shut it.
10. Make a real list of goals ^^