Anyone wanna help me?

Ok, my composition 2 class this year is mostly centered around argument and debate. Last week we read an essay in our book about why prayer should not be allowed in schools (church and state should be seperated). The article was very biased and one sided, the whole class could see this, and everyone on in the class agreed with the author (prayer shouldn't be in schools). So my professor gave us an asignment of looking up inforamation and articles that are pro prayer in schools. She says we need to beable to argue both sides. I know where going to have to write an essay, but what I don't know is if I'll have to write one that is for or against the topic in question and this brings me here:

Will you guys help me? Particulary if you are for prayer to be allowed in schools. Just list a few short reason why you believe so (like how it could be beneficial). If you agree with the original author and think prayer should stay out of schools, if you have the time could you think about it from the other sides point of view and if you come up with anything, share it, please (or just give me your opinion anyway).
I have a few aricles already, but I want to here what you guys think. It dosen't matter to me what side your on, I just want to here what real people have to say (particulary you guys cuz I know alot of you are still in high/ middle school).
