hold on I can't tiype cuz my sister keeps speaking of this "Tom"..............
........he's the best bus driver ever, or so I'v heard........................
.......she's quietly giggling now........QUIET!!!!!........She says I'm almost 20 and I can't spell quiet rightly......ok enough of that!
I didn't go to my comp class today cuz I still haven't started my presidential paper as of yet ^^' Maybe tomorrow XD
I gots alot of other homework done today though (I'm gonna kill you (my sister) if you don't stop correcting my spelling!!!!!)
And now my dad says the sloppy joes are done.......-_-'
and now he's putting out the trash...........
I really did have something to say........my kitty is doing better, now I have a ear ache and a tooth ache...........I have alot of drawing I need to ink, but I'll have them up soon hopefully. Maybe I'll do it during my art class tomorrow.
A NEW HOUSE ISN'T ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!! *cries* All well I'll just do some more homework (video games).
Friday I gets to go bowling XD well not really cuz theres this thingy with my dad's work and my mom wanted to go, but she's handy capped and she might not beable to bowl the whole game so I'm just her step in.
I really have to write this paper.........OK! I'll do the intro on the way to class tomorrow (I don't drive, just incase your worried XD)
Ok on ward to a land of academic death and home work.............