~~~And then there was one~~~?~~~thats a book isn't it?

Ok anyway........

My tooth still hurts, but I'm getting used to it as its getting worse....and yesterday my dad broke one of his teeth and he says he gets to go to the dentist first.......I'VE BEEN WAITING LONGER! All well I'll live....

Tis allmost HALLOWEEN! I believe this sunday will start the 13 day count down XD

I had something else to say.....but I forgot ^^'.....*thinking*

OH! YEAH! I have another essay to write this weekend (so what else is new), but its gonna count as my midterm so I have to write it really goodly XD,,,,,anyway its on an article in the text book and the article was titled, "Supersize Your Children" and I thought it was gonna be about Mc Donalds and children eating bad, but its about GENITIC TESTING! XD Far more interesting don't ya think! XD

K thats all I wanted to say XD
