Well the plan was to go see the Twilight movie with my sister and Uni-Chan this saturday but to my surprise it was sold out. YES! SOLD OUT! NOT JUST SOLD OUT! SOLD OUT ALL WEEKEND! SOLD OUT TILL MONDAY! In the town filled with retire-ees, the vampire movie is sold out! Go figure...Honestly I didn't think it was truely possible, not here........tis not that bug of a deal though. I not that big of a Twilight fan anyway. *fangirls stare* I only read the first book and honestly I didn't think it was that great. *attaked by fangirls* Besides, *gets up off floor* I don't like the actors they chose for the movie, especially Edward, he's SO UGLY! *murdered by fangirls*
I don't think the movie will be that great, its just the fangirl hype and who can blame them, its not every day they make a movie about vampires.
BUT WHAT REALLY BUGS ME! IS THOSE GIRLS! Yes, I'm talking about the girls who never picked up a Twilight book, let alone any other awsome like book. I'm talking about the girls who checked out the first Twilight book because its the in thing now, and who bought tickets too the movie just cuz they thought the vampire was cute..........there seems to be alot of them around here. There all like, "Its so awsome!" and they only just read the book. That annoys me........I know I'm not the biggest fan, but at least I read the book back when it first came out, be4 the movie was advertised. Maybe I'm just mad cuz I didn't get tickets.........I really wanted to see how many guys were in the theater this weekend -_-'
If anyone goes to see it, count how many guys are there and report back to me. I'm curious XD