@:D < he's got curly hair XD

Yup I just half-assed my art project XD Its still nicer than most of the classes. My printer decided to act weird on me -_-' so yeah my poster board kinda looks like its on drugs......which is ok.....I hope ^^'

I'm just listening to music, waiting for my sister and Uni-Chan to get home from school.....then I guess I'll type up my speech and power point.

TT-TT Thought I was done with this getting up in front of the class crap.

OH! I drew an adorable kitty last night.....I got the idea from a powder smear on the bathroom floor XD Does anyone else do that, like draw what you see in the clouds? It was too cute to not draw XD I'll ink it and puts it up later.

I guess I'll draw a bit be4 I get back to work ^^

Here's a pic of my wonderful paper model of my wonderful site specific sculpture (tis floating in space right now though XD)

Tis horrible looking XD
