I wanna make a new world, but I need some help for this one. I wanna make a world dedicated to how to draw anime, manga, realistically, everything and anything!
So yeah, I would need some artist who specialize in different areas.
Some areas off the top of my head:
Mythical creaters
Anime Critters
Animals in general (realistic)
people who can paint
If you have a unique anime style or a unique way of starting a drawing
I'm looking for people who specialize in drawing chracters from already existing anime (naruto probably the most needed)
People who can draw original anime
draw fighting scenes
different poses/ anatomy
Someone whose good with foreshortening (If ya don know what that is google it....hope I spelled it right)
I really would like to get someone who knows how to draw portraits (realistic people)
someone whose good at making a manga (screen tones, coloring, pannels, wording)
I would basically just need people who can draw and are willing to share their experience with others in the form of tutorials.
I really wanna make this world. The otaku is blessed with loads of fabulous artists that I and others can learn alot from; theres always room for improvement.
So I'm asking for voulenteers, if you or somebody you know is willing to help, then just leave a comment.
I will only make this world if I get at least 3 voulenteers, so yeah, please help me, help others and your selves. Even the best artist can benefit, you'll atleast have something to draw XD
1. blueangel110
2. FullmetalCheese