Yep I did my presentation and it wasn't bad XP It was the last class and only 8 people showed, so I was more comfortable talking up there then I would have been last tuesday whne there was like 20 people.

Now all I have to do is write my 6 page paper and study for math and environmental bio and I'm done till Jan. 6.

Today's my moms birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! Had to say that even though she'll never read it XD I got her $30 dollars. Yeah I sold one of my text books back and thats what I got for it.......Payed like $90 for it orginally

Anyway, if there's anyone who can draw and wants to voulenteer to help out with my new world idea (See post below) leave a comment ^^ I need at least one more person to start with.

To do list, So I don't forget:

1. make present for secret santa
2. christmas presents for friends XD
3. any contests I may have entered.....if I've entered one of your contets let me know, I might have forgotten ^^'
