Please forgive me!!!!!!!! Its not that I don't lov-ed ya guys anymore, its just I have alot going on, and what seems like a never ending flow of homework -________- I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting and keeping up with all your posts and fanart submissions (my box was filled with new submissions *cries* bugs me when I get behind like this)......unfortunately it seems like this is going to be a continous occurance, at least for now. I'm still getting used to my classes and all the work that comes with em (I must have read like 300 pages of crap in just these past 2 days). I do need time to eat and sleep after all, so yeah, See ya in trillion years XD
(hopefully sooner than that, I'm trying really hard (without success as of yet) to work ahead on homework assingments. Wish me Luck ^^)