Yet again I must head home to a long night of completing an art least I got the big part done this morning.......I had to redraw an already existing master work, I chose Henry Ossawa Tanner's "The Annunciation" cuz I like the color orange XD Too bad my rendering had to be in black and white......O_O who am I kidding I wouldn't be done with it yet if I had to do it in color......anyway now I have to do 12 minni versions of it in different altered states.......I am not happy with how the person came out, but the back ground dosen't look too bad.....I'm pretty happy with it, tis the best thing I have ever done realating to a light source (google the pic and maybe you'll know what I'm talking bout).
Anyway I didn't go to class tuesday, it was just one of those days. I woke up with cramps and a glob of cat spit in my hair. Luckily, or unluckily, however ya wanna look at it, I stayed home, cuz my mom got this call from the social security place telling her it was the last day to turn in this paper that she had like 3 months to mail. So yeah I spent 3 hours in a crowded room, just so she could give the guy this stupid piece of paper. It was not fun.
Ok I gots to go home now (in school library) XD
Night Night