My luck hasn't been to great lately. Last night, when I finally got the chance to go to bed, the air conditioner broke! Now, I live in Florida. It was like 85 degrees outside with the humidity, and our AC just craps out on us, all of a sudden like. Twas a horrible night. It was so humid out the carpets were wet. I only got 2 hours of sleep -_-' The AC repair man guy just left, and we are getting a new one on thursday. Fun Fun.
Also I broke one of the windows ^^' The handle just poped yeah, my mom told me to duck tape it closed. Then something earth shatteringly horrible happened. You see, apparently when duck tape sits in an 80 degree house for a good 14 hours, it tends to....well, to put it simply, it tends to melt. THATS RIGHT! DUCK TAPE HAS FAILED ME! (Earth Implodes) It was all fused together in a role of sticky mess. So yeah, not a good day.
Even the hamster was hot. She was all sprawled out in her cage. It looked as if she had deflated, and I thought she was dead for a minute. Poor Moot