Nothing Much To Say.. Thanks cause visit my Worlds..


Name: Izharruden

Gender: Male

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Zodiac Year: Monkey

Age: 17 Years Old

Industry: Student

Location: Kluang : Johor : Malaysia

Birthday: 22 Nov 1992

Hobby: Drawing,Playing Games,Study [Maybe ]


1.24AM : Sunday : 29 Nov 2009

Today is i have visit one website that my friends give to me...
I see in that site have tutorial how to draw anime..
I click then it say...
Art of Otaku can be purchased as a 40 MB download for only $19.95. Once you pay, you'll be taken to a special page where you can begin your download. Remember not to close your browser after payment is complete!

Purchase with confidence. Art Of Otaku was released in 2005 and has sold over 1000 copies to date.

When i open my pay-pal.. Aw, dont have money...
So i just register it... And find friends...
When i have done register, i see many pll is nice person...
They welcome me.. and teach me what i dont know..
I'm happy because i get new friends in 5 min...
I love this site... THEOTAKU.COM