I can't wait for summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for bathing suits, for jogging, for pools, for water melon, for swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, you can really tell how capricorn i am from that...
Okays, icon #1 is;
my last icon, and you guys can use it!
Icon #2;
cupcake! but, its not icon size, so you might want to fix that.
some more japanese;
Sumi ma san; i'm sorry, or excuse me
Tanoshii Katta; it was fun
Tomodachi; friend
Thats all ican remember right now...
Kire; beautiful
Icha; come
tora; tiger
Oh my gosh!
I was reading this article, and it really woke me up.
It said that every one out of seven kids are obese!
Meaning extremly overweight!
And, it makes me sad that i was running around the block the other day, and it was 58 degrees and sunny, AND NO ONE WAS OUT THERE!!!
Then, you people spend all your time listlessly watching televsion, wishing you were fit!
Peoples, i don't mean to turn into that one coach on "the biggest loser" Bob,
(He had a major meltdown, cursing his face off at this one chick knoel, just because she wasn't on her treadmill 5 seconds longer), but come one!
You people have feet use them!
You have capible bodies, (and if not, i apologize entirely), USE 'EM!!!
Oh, and french frys and kechtup is not the same as eating potatoes and tomatoes.
Oh my gosh!
I was reading this article, and it really woke me up.
It said that every one out of seven kids are obese!
Meaning extremly overweight!
And, it makes me sad that i was running around the block the other day, and it was 58 degrees and sunny, AND NO ONE WAS OUT THERE!!!
Then, you people spend all your time listlessly watching televsion, wishing you were fit!
Peoples, i don't mean to turn into that one coach on "the biggest loser" Bob,
(He had a major meltdown, cursing his face off at this one chick knoel, just because she wasn't on her treadmill 5 seconds longer), but come one!
You people have feet use them!
You have capible bodies, (and if not, i apologize entirely), USE 'EM!!!
Oh, and french frys and kechtup is not the same as eating potatoes and tomatoes.