Hello! I'm Izumi Takayame, and this is my world for...stuff. this is my favorite song right now! It makes me feel so happy! ^-^
So this is just hilarious!
my name:Izumi Takayame

Type of candy that you could be asociated with: Lolipop ^-^



OMG! happiness fills my soul!
I just watched twilight with my hippie friend!

i read the first book, and i'm going to read the whole series (Duh!) and i'm gonna get the second one soon.
*happy sigh*
I love the actors they chose (although their bella could have had more emotion in her voice), and i think they chose the best cullen's ever!
You just can't get a good ememet like you use to...LOL!
The jasper they chose was awesomefull!
but in the movie, when bella and edward kiss in the movie, he looks like he's in pain. Oh well.
Okay, plus the kiss in bella's bedroom, DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE BOOK AT ALL!
sigh...and he really gets into that kiss to, and in the book, it's really quick.
can't win em' all right bella? OH WAIT, YOU DO!
so I end this post on a happy note,

Hand~face DUH!

Weel, DUH! I totally forgot to ever introduce my self formally, LIKE SAY WHO THE FRICK I AM!so anyway, here it goes!

NAME: Izumi Takayame
FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Shiny toy guns, Prima jay, Christina Agulara, Rihana, Fall out boy, Avril Lavigne, Family Force Five, and All American Rejects.
DISLIKES: The peppy people.
MY PHRASE: sinners make the best saints.
FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: drawing, poetry, playing violin, writing stories, and in general; talking. Plus making documentaries.


Just a notice, if you peoples who happen to be my friends, i want to tell you guys somthing.


because, i'm not happy all the time! i can be evil!!! -/j- thank you.

Oh, so, random

You want random today?
yes, you do.
don't lie.
So here, it goes.
I want my TURKEY,NOW!!!
hamammammahama HAM,HAM,HAM MY GAWD! HAM NOW!
I see,...living people. *squeaky voice* l-l-living people....
imma a...I'm a...GOOFY GOOBER!

Why did you stop at a legal red light, and let me hit doing 80? WHY!?
(yes, i quoted the awesome dane cook! ^-^)

A pm of wisdom

one of the moderators and i have been contiuing a discussion via pm, and i'd like to share it with my aduence, because, its a bit of a learning experience.

In response to your recent post...I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding going on here. Yes you broke the rules, but you’re not in any serious trouble. Sometimes it takes a firm whack for people to realize that they’ve made a mistake.

No one thinks you are a bad person, merely one who didn’t properly understand the rules. That is why you were only warned, I always give someone a chance to learn.

Just as sometimes it’s necessary to put up examples so others understand why. You are not the first person to have this happen and you won’t be the last.

I am sorry you feel it is mean, but it’s not and I think you know this. You’ve already shown a great deal of maturity by accepting that you didn’t understand the rules by apologizing to me in a pm.

However by incorrectly condemning a moderator for doing their job according to the terms that I have given them makes it look otherwise. It’s easy to assume that they are making fun of you when examples serve to help other members understand why certain actions are taken. I have posted such examples on my own world.

Please don’t make the mistake of assuming you understand what a moderator’s responsibility entails or accusing them of cussing when words such as hell and damn are not considered swearwords by a huge percentage of the population.

Now as for the incident Akatsukizumi, I’m happy with what you told me via pm and as far as I’m concerned the matter is over. But you might want to consider what you posted since some of your friends have taken it upon themselves to attack Indi at her world.

Please bring concerns to me if you feel staff is out of line; don’t get your friends worked up to the point where they verbally attack staff. If you really want it to be over, then let it go. That’s kind of what got you in trouble in the first place, you kept arguing instead of just saying I’m sorry or asking for clarification outside of the chat.

Did it even occur to you to politely ask Indi in a pm if she would remove the post or edit your name out? See people don’t think of this, they get offended and attack instead of trying to work out a solution.

Also, I’ll give you a hint on how I look at potential staff. I look for people who are responsible and all, but also aren’t afraid to own up to a mistake. Just as I also look to see if they try to find solutions instead of complaining.

Moderators are far from being perfect, but the ones who can admit that they are human and make mistakes, in addition to working to fix it are the ones who work out the best. Make no mistake, every person on our staff was chosen for having these kinds of qualities.

theOtaku Staff

So, thats the ending of the pm, and i think beth was pretty nice for giving me this tips. and...thats about it..