Hello! I'm Izumi Takayame, and this is my world for...stuff. this is my favorite song right now! It makes me feel so happy! ^-^
So this is just hilarious!
my name:Izumi Takayame

Type of candy that you could be asociated with: Lolipop ^-^



So, this is my first official fIRST post on Izumi Land, so your probablely(i know,iknow, bad spelling,) about that,Hehheh, Video on the intro. THAT IS SINGLE HANDLY THE BEST AND EAISEST DANCE YOU WILL EVER HAVE TO LEARN,...but please,people, don't watch the movie the dance came from, UNTIL you are over the age of 19. I have not, because it has some content that i only know about it being the movie because my Parents told me. So, long story short, dance to it at some point in time. It's worth it., Happy black friday, don't get killed!