Every day you liveis a new begining.
this one is mine, not yours...

Do a dear, a female dear...you have to watch all of it!

Okay, this is my personal world for what evers on my mind.


My favorite animes are Naruto, Rozen Maiden, FruitsBasket, DeathNote, Inuyasha, and i do like bleach a little bit.
I am japanese, but i've lived in the contental unitedstates of america for so long, that i've forgotten how to read it and some of the language.
AH, i'm pathetic!

Summer, in my book, IS HERE!

Okay, it may be only spring, but it SOOO feels like summer to me!
i mean, everything smells like fresh-cut grass, the sun is making me feel really happy, and theres grass stains on my feet.
Theres "hotel california" seemingly pumping through the air. My eyes are tired from the rays, and Cool-ade is the offical drink.


TGIF PEOPLES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

OMG, its friggn' friday! FINALLY!

Here is your offical friday/weekend playlist; Song, artist

Calle Ocho, pitbull

no sleep 2 nite, faders inc.

Rockstar, prima j

*you can add your own faves, but these are mine*

Okay, so i have a habit on friday, as soon as i come home, to get into my pajamas, is that weird?


Okay, in my pitbull song up there *points upward* he says, "305, that's what it is.." ect.
And, because i watch this, in *sighs* G's to Gents on of there contestants, Baron, when EXTREMELY wasted, randomly said, "305" and "what it is"
SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!? Is it just some rap term?

Icon for DJalicecooper!

Icon 4 kerrakku!