Jack sat up on the bed put on his shirt & goes to get so Blue eyes coffee that Mina had already made. Little did he know that in a few minutes he was going to have company. One of whom in the company he doens't get along with sometimes.
mean while outside
Yusei gets off his duel runner & takes off his helmet.
He said to me whom had tagged along with him " Stay here & i will be right back." He turned around & started walking off. I stood up & took off my helmet.
I sat it behind his & said " Stop right there Yusei. I know that you & Jack don't get along to well. So let me go with you!"
Yusei stopped & I stood there. Had he listened to what I said? I thought to myself. Bruno Pulled up behind Yusei's duel runner.
Bruno stood there & took off his helmet.
I just stood there wandering if Yusei listened to me or not. Bruno sat down his helmet & Yusei started walking off again till Bruno said " Wait up Yusei."
Yusei again stopped walking. Bruno walked up to him & so did I.
We walked up to the door & Yusei knocked.
Mean while inside
Jack was about to put down his coffee to answer the door. When someone said
" Sit down, I'll get it." They answered the door. He sat back down.
" Hello there Yusei." said the person. Yusei glanced at the person & asked
" Who are you." As soon as Yusei asked him that I hugged him & said
" Lanth!! Hi, how are you?"
Lanth smiled & said " Good I guess. How are you Sara?" I let go of him & replied " I'm good."
" Wait you two know each other?" Yusei asked.
My Verison