The portal to Chicago leads into an alley. The first thing we do, as is required, is check in with the students of fire in charge of protecting that area. Once there, we get armed and get whatever else we need. We pass by Navy Pier, and head into another alley. I push on a wall, and melt through it, straight into a spacious room. I can hear rap music playing. Joey van Helling, the leader, and Natasha Addams, a sorta friend, sit on the couch, watching TV. Their pet wolfen, Will, sits next to Natasha.
When we step in, Joey stands up.
"Jack" He says "It's been a while."
"Hey Joey" I say back "Where's everybody else?"
"Missions" He says simply, and leads us to the armory while Natasha strokes Mel's shell. Lining the walls of the armory are countless weapons, and I select my favorites: A Mossberg shotgun, and a saber. Cade pulls a pistol off the wall and loads a few magazines. Then she takes six bottles of water out of a cooler.
"Good luck" Joey says simply. He's not much of a talker. Natasha keeps Mel on her lap.
"See ya" I say, walking out.
"Bye" Cade says with a smile.
We step into the alley again.
"So where are we going?" Cade asks.
I check the instructions.
"Not far" I answer. I toss the sheet into the air and ignite it with a spark from my fingers.
When we get to the warehouse the students of ice are using as a base, I peek in through a window. A few guys stand around talking. Some have a telltale pitch-black arm tipped with claws. Those are officers in the shadow army. Those are the ones to watch out for. Apparently they're guarding something that will make the Greek "gods" put more trust in us: Apollo's bow. It had recently been stolen, and Cade and I had to get it back. I break down the door.