
^ Thasts your first test ^
......I have started learning Japanese I know very little so dont expect much from me
......What I plan for this world is to be a team effort we will all pitch in to help each other learn Japanese
......I have many computer programs and translation books as well as a Japanese keybored so if you need to post something in Japanese but cant I will help do it for you
......If you post something in Japanese please in clude the English translation as well as the Romanization of the post
......If you want to be a part of this PM me and I will add you as a guest poster and go from there
......I can give you links to printable exersizes if you want some
.......ohh and crazy kerby says 3...2...1... LETS JAM!

Phrase Of The Day.

Eki wa doko desu ka?
The station is where? (direct)
Where is the train station?
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~Phrase Of The Day~

ohayō gozai masu . watashi wa tamago wo shi te kudasai shi te morai tai .
Good morning. Please I would like to have eggs. (direct English translation)
Good morning. I would like to have some eggs please. (Eniglish)
External Image 3...2...1... LETS JAM! <(^-^)>

~Phrase of the day~

Kon'nichi wa, o genki desu ka
ko nee chee wah, oh geenkee des kah
Hello, how are you?

P.S. in the Japanese language it is subject objective verb not subject verb objective like in English (e.g. instead of HE IS AT THE STATION it would be THE STATION HE IS AT)
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Japanese Lessons


a= ah like in aha
a= ahh like in aha but extended sound
e= eh like in bed
e= ehh like in bed but extended sound
i= ee like in feet
I or ii= eee like in feet but extended sound
o= oh like in dome
o= ohh like in dome but extended sound
u= oo like in spoon
u= ooo like in spoon but extended sound

~Japanese Characters~

a= あ
i= い
u= う
e= え
o= お


r= d like in do
f= h like in who
ts= ts like in cats
ry= dee like in deedee

~Japanese Characters~

There are no characters for the r,f,ts,or ry because all consonants are paired with a vowel then given a character the onse above was to only show how to pronounce the harder to pronounce of the consonants so I will now give you the whole Japanese alphabet

~Japanese Alphabet~

a あ
ka か
sa さ
ta た
na な
i い
ki き
shi し
chi ち
ni に
u う
ku く
su す
tsu つ
nu ぬ
e え
ke け
se せ
te て
ne ね
o お
ko こ
so そ
to と
no の
ha は
ma ま
ya や
ra ら
wa わ
hi ひ
mi み
ri り
wi ゐ
fu ふ
mu む
yu ゆ
ru る
n ん
he へ
me め
re れ
we ゑ
ho ほ
mo も
yo よ
ro ろ
wo を
ga が
za ざ
da だ
ba ば
pa ぱ
gi ぎ
ji じ
ji ぢ
bi び
pi ぴ
gu ぐ
zu ず
zu づ
bu ぶ
pu ぷ
ge げ
ze ぜ
de で
be べ
pe ぺ
go ご
zo ぞ
do ど
bo ぼ
po ぽ
kya きゃ
sha しゃ
cha ちゃ
hya ひゃ
pya ぴゃ
kyu きゅ
shu しゅ
chu ちゅ
hyu ひゅ
pyu ぴゅ
kyo きょ
sho しょ
cho ちょ
hyo ひょ
pyo ぴょ
gya ぎゃ
ja じゃ
nya にゃ
bya びゃ
mya みゃ
gya ぎゅ
ju じゅ
nyu にゅ
byu びゅ
my みゅ
gyo ぎょ
jo じょ
nyo にょ
byo びょ
myo みょ
rya りゃ
ryu りゅ
ryu りょ
(ja) ぢゃ
(ju) ぢゅ

Okay thats all for now Im tired after typing all that (sigh) 3...2...1... LETS JAM!!!

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