50 random things about me (part two)

one- When I go to bed I go to the other side of the room for a running start then launch into my bed because I'm afraid a hand is gonna come out from under the bed and drag me to my doom.
two-I start to twitch a little bit and break down when people erase the board at school and leave a tiny spot of marker in the center of the board.
three-I feel naked when I don''t wear my jacket
four-I'm afraid of mirrors
five-I'm afraid of bathrooms
six-I'm afraid that if I use the bathroom at night I will look into the mirror and find Bloody Mary in the mirror.
Seven-I am afraid that if I look at myself in the mirror and look away my reflection will still be staring at me.
eight-I can't do anything in the bathroom...literally anything until I make sure that there isn't a killer or some demon thing in my shower
nine-I have to leave the light on in the bathroom at night or else I flip out.
ten-one night I had my friend stay the night when the hot tub started up.We thought a demon was chilling out in the hot tub until the next morning we found out it was programmed to do that...that was this year.
eleven- I'm afraid constantly that when I turn around something evil will be staring at e
twelve-I would find it flattering to have a stalker
thirteen-I can't eat my dinner unless i dump a bunch of salt on it
fourteen-one time I saw the sixth sense with my daddy when I was six and kept seeing dead people
fifteen -I won't eat the skin on my chicken because I think it's so gross
sixteen-the only reason my plate is colorful is because I have so many Bacon bit's on my potatoes
seventeen-When I eat bacon I only eat the crispy or burnt edges and throw out the chewy part
eighteen-Every morning I wake up I remember every detail of my dreams almost and can explain what happened word for word in my dream.
nineteen-I love the smell of gasoline
twenty- I make coffee every morning...to smell it
twenty one-I started eating green beans because I put cinnamon on them
Twenty two-I had broccoli and cheese one time involuntary and threw up on the rest of my meal...I was never forced to eat broccoli since then
twenty two-I have an amazing memory and remember details from when I was three
twenty three-I am upset about how much I'll miss out on when I die
twenty four-I am looking forward to when we become robots
twenty five-i waste my life watching anime and laughing on the internet
