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Welcome to the World of Jenny~ be prepared for either NOTHING or RANDOM. yeah. good luck~

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Ikkun's Lucky Daaance <3 (:D Bleach Musical!)

Ichigo looks so unamused. XD

Bleach Manly Dance~

I say Ikkaku needs more solos =w=


*is dead from laughing so much*

XDDDD The computer froze on this picture while we were watching a bleach simpsons parody on YouTube XDDDD

Aizen the Mascot! :D

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XD me and my friend practically pissed our pants watching this over and over and over again! Anyone wanna guess what the hell Aizen is supposed to be??

maybe Yammy! :D *SHOT DEAD*


Guess who is now semi-addicted to Haloooo~ I AMMMM!!!!! XDDD

All I've seen so far though is the Halo Legends movie. pfft. XD oh 1337. He got his head nommed by a dinosaur. LAWLZ

anyways... i get to have a movie day with my friends today!! :D We're gonna watch Ponyo, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, and Alice in Wonderland (the new one with Johnny Depp~♥♥)