Memory Lane <3

Everyone knows what its like to travel down memory lane, right? Well, for the past month, I've been strolling down it for awhile. I went back to my old sketch books. And I COMPLETELY forgotten what I've drawn. And when I look back to my drawings from 4 years ago... I SUCKED!!! XD I had circles for heads and really small bodies. Then I was flipping through the rest of them and i've seen the progress i've been doing. (Will you believe me if I said that I could 14 sketch books for 4 or 3 years? That is A LOT!! XD) Then, today i was watching some anime my friend let me borrow. I saw the first episode of NARUTO AGAIN!!! X3 I HAVEN'T SEEN IT FOR 4 YEARS!!!! Then I remembered that Naruto inspired me to draw anime. Doesn't it rock to go down memory lane once in awhile? xD Yes!! It totally does!!! LOL. There are still more memories to re-discover. I wonder what awaits me next.
