EH!?!?!? Snow?? AND MY NEW BUNNY!!! =D

WHAT THE HECK??? WHY IS IT SNOWING???????????? After ALL of our awesome weather that was in the 70s!!! WE GET SNOW!!!!!!!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? I MEAN REALLY!!!! =3= so mad right now... I WANT THE WARMTH BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =___=""" But anyways, you know that 30 week review test I told you about in the last post? Well.. we got it back today. o___o I was so scared of what I got... But I got a 79%! So much better then what I was thinking. I seriously thought I failed. XD But I did fail this research paper we had to do in ELA... kinda ticked about that... ON THE LIGHTER NOTE!! XD I GOT MY BUNNY YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is sooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name used to be Mellow, but then we changed it to Marshmellow. x3 He is the cutest bunny I have eva seen. I've been taking a ton of pictures of him. I got to hold him yesterday!! He is sooo fluffy and soft <3

:D That's a pic of him. x3 Isn't he cuuuuuuute???? I wuv him soooo much!!

Well, I need to practice my NYSSMA solo for tomorrow... I am soooo nervous... >_< I hope I don't screw up on the sightreading... @.@ Or my song.... Wish me luck, everyone!! Cya!!
