I've been reeeeeeally bored lately. (will somebody PLEASE find a cure for boredom. PLEASE!) So for the OHC SO games, I had to make an OMGPOP account. And I found it really fun. 1 problem... I RARELY SEEN ANYONE ONLINE WHEN I'M ON THERE!!! I'm even on right now and NO ONE is online with me. I want to play some games so I can practice and just have fun. And you can't really play alone... and I am NOT playing with strangers on there. =.=**

My OMGPOP username is: Jenuchiha0519

please, please, PLEASE, come find me ASAP if you also have an OMGPOP and have not yet added me. ;_; I'm getting more bored by the minute... And if you havent made an OMGPOP account, I suggest you do. It's fun. AND FIND. ME!!!

...I believe that is all... good day. *turns and walks off hoping someone will play with me soon*
