Don't Wake Me

SO. Totally just worked an EXHAUSTING day. I cannot stand up, let alone walk around anymore. I am just that tired. Today turned out being very. very. very. long. and very messy. XD; My shirt is completely stained from letting so many milkshakes splatter. Ahhhh... So many people. So much ice cream. Sooo much strawberries... I don't want to eat ice cream anymore for the rest of the summer.

Ahhh... but it was so nice to work in air conditioning during a 90 degree day <3 Hah. So did not feel bad for the people out in the fields picking strawberries. 8D

But seriously. Why you people come in groups of more than 5? =^= like. really now. Give us ice cream scoopers a break and only give us one order at a time.

And. Doesn't help that today went UBER slow and I was like ".... *staaaaaares at the clock* I've been here since 10:30.... make it be 6 alreadyyyyyy DX"

Even when it was finally 6 people still insisted on coming and were like " <: D Ice cream, please~" me- "AJKDFALDISUF *fake smile* What would you like~? "

dsgsad;jlfas *dies*

And now. If you'll allow me. I need to go crash for like. couple hours. so I can stay up late tonight. =u=b

(i swear i felt like i was scooping that much ice cream onto people's cones.)
