Naruto Movie 2(the real Movie)

(With Jess)
Jess was tired, confused, and bored. She was in a large cage and by suprise, her many demons as well.
"Where are we?"A two-tailed wolf with bow and arrows named Asura yelled.
"Quiet Down!" Someone yelled,"We have to go in the Sky village and you have to keep quiet or the Tengu might hear you."
The animals had many questions but one was random...
"Wait a minute!" Jessica said, "Where's Naara(Half Gaara, half Naruto)?"

Naara:4 aces! I win again!!!

Kahuzu(misspelled):NO! My money.

Deidara:That's it! I'm going back to the ninja idol.*leaves*

"Alright. Here's the plan!"Jess explained and whispered.
Asura shot an arrow with some rope on the cliff. The demons went back inside the body and Jess climbed the rope.
"So long Suckers!"Jess yelled to the driver of the cart. What she didn't know was she ws lifted up by a tengu.
"A tengu..." Jess gulped as she looked up.
"You annoy me,"said the tengu with anger in his eyes,"I have to send you to my master."