I have no school today which is good. Since I have a little writer's block this morning, I'm just doing this OC thing. Pick 10 characters and follow the instuctions:
1. Jess
2. Shukaku
3. Worm
4. Widow
5. Akane
6. Jiji
7. Floyde
8. Naara
9. Gamex
10. Kiki
1) 1 and 8 write a grocery list. What items are on it?
Jess: Pizza, ice cream, toilet paper, juice..what else?
Naara: Ramen, pocky, ramen, Apple cider, did I say Ramen?
2) 3 and 5 go shopping according to said list. What do they forget, and what do they buy instead?
Akane: Okay, you crazy cat, what did we buy?*checks items* Oh yeah, Jess's pizza!
Worm: Sorry but we don't need that. How about getting me some catnip or something?
Akane: You know, you look like that cat from that Coraline movie. I hate you!
Worm: I despise you too.
3) 7 finds out he is violently allergic to bees! What does 2 do?
Floyde: I just hope that Master Oogie doesn't have bees inside him.-_-'
Shukaku: Yeah, he does.*whistles for bees*
Floyde: GAAHHHH!*runs away*
4) Knowing full well about 7's allergies, 10 mail-orders a hive of bees and puts it in 7's room. What does 4 say about this?
Widow: Aww man! I was going to do that prank with Lock!!!
Floyde: The agony of it all!!!
Kiki: Oops. I thought that number 7 is Risshu. Sorry Floyde!^^'
5) If 9 hijacked a PA system, what would they broadcast throughout the building?
Gamex: Ahoy mates! Gamex Skellington, your favorite Skeleton pirate nobody giving you the news. My somebody, Maleficent and I will rule all the worlds and universes. So bow down to us all!! And to my fav boogieman, I'm single! Remember, Akane's weak. I repeat, Akane is weak! That's all folks!!!^^
6) 6 sunbathed for too long and got a sunburn. What does he have to say about it?
Jiji: This is embarrassing!
7) What would 1 say 6 looks like, now that he/she is sunburnt?
Jess: You look so cute!!! XD
Jiji: O////O Why me?
8) If 3 and 10 were having a 'Yo momma' contest, what would their best jokes be?
Worm would win since he doesn't care about his family and that Kiki's parents abadoned her so Kiki will cry then turn into Mew Chocolate and chase Worm.
9) Is 5 or 4 a better figure skater?
Akane: I am. Widow's too young for figure-skating.
Widow: No I'm not!
Akane: Yes you are...
10) What does 2 have to say about that?
Shukaku: *thinking perverted thoughts on Akane*
11) 9 became a necromancer overnight! Who do they resurrect?
Gamex: I don't know what that is, but I'll resurrect Captain Barbossa.
12) What would each of their names be if they were to become the opposite gender?
Jess - Joseph
Shukaku - Selena
Worm - Wilma
Widow - Sid
Akane - Ken
Jiji - Jojo
Floyde - Maya
Naara - Gaaru (Note: Pretend it's a girl's name)
Gamex - Magex
Kiki - Thomas
13) What animals would each of them be?
Jess - Mockingbird
Shukaku - Tanuki
Worm - Halloween-type cat
Widow - Spider
Akane - Doberman
Jiji - Rabbit
Floyde - Snake
Naara - Fox
Gamex - Dragon
Kiki - Wolf
14) 2 is having a dinner party and asks 3 and 5 to run to the store to get the ingredients. Do they f*** this one up too?
Worm and Akane: Yes....*growling at each other*
15) It turns out that 2 poisoned all the guests with arsenic! Who did he/she invite?
Shukaku: Just the people I hate. Teme and D. mostly.
16) Which of the guests would 9 bring back to life with their necromancy?
Gamex: I like the villians so I'll let Kyuubi suffer and bring back D. to life.
17) Would 4 snort a Ramen noodle then hock it up out their mouth and floss their nasal cavity with it? What does 10 think of this?
Widow and Kiki: Ewwww!
18) Jess is hitchhiking to China and Shukaku stops to pick her up. Worm meets up with them at a gas station and they are all struck with a radioactive comet. They all get superpowers and vow to save the world from evil! Shortly after this, Widow begins a plot to take all the tea in China with her henchmen, Akane and Jiji. Jess, Shukaku, and Worm break into their fortress of DOOM to stop the plot. Floyde enters the fray, having been struck by a similar comet, only his only power is to morph into a lethargic koala bear. Naara and Gamex were having sex the whole time and missed it. What's 10's favorite TV show?
Everyone: That so did NOT happen!
Kiki: I like to watch cartoons with my sister Aishi.
19) On a scale of 1 to 10, how irritating was that last question?
It was kinda good with the hitchhiking part but the rest is whack. Jiji isn't evil, Floyde is not a koala bear, Naara doesn't like Gamex, and what was the point of it!?
20) This quiz is over, but the journey continues as all 10 ride off into the sunset. Who pushes who off of their horse as the screen fades to black?
Gamex would get jealous of Akane, so both of them push each other out of the horse. Worm rides on Akane's back and that's all folks!