You will NEVER guess what I did.

OK....Sooo...In high school...there was the MEAN girl that I did not like. She was uber popular...and not nice...Granted...I was not nice back... v.v *shame*
Last night...I had this desire to write to did.

Dear Rachel,
I know what you want to do...You probably want to delete this right away. Mmmhmmm I can tell that you want to ignore this...You might as well read this because we probably will not see each other again until a class reunion.
But anyways... I have had a lot of things on my mind lately...and High school was a big one. There are things I regret... Classes, test ect....

But the thing I most regret is not trying harder to get along with you. I know that I have had a few bad thoughts towards you and said a few hurtful things. And I want to apologize to you. The most recent thing that comes to mind is arguing with you about Skip day...It was a trivial thing that I should not have worried about, nor should I have complained about it...But I did and I hurt your feeling unintentionally. so...I apologize. And I wish that we could have been...maybe not friends because our interest and personalities are not...meshable...but that we could have been good acquaintances that got along well.

I've always admired your amazing gifts and think that you are very talented...And my personal distaste of you comes from that. Jealousy... I am a horrible public are an amazing one. You're very out going and can get things done...I can be very shy at times and I'm not the best leader...And people just gravitate towards you, because of your charisma. I remember being upset in elementary school because on my birthday no one cared sans my close friends while on yours, the day after everyone wished you a Happy Birthday.

Anyways...I'm babbling...I want you to know that I hold no harsh feelings towards you at all now and that I dearly wished that we could have gotten along in the past. I wish you all the success in the future...And may you always be happy.
Matthew 5.43-48
P.S. You can laugh at this and show all your friends...I do not care...this comes from the heart and I hope you take this seriously...

...I felt soooo good.<333 I think God told me to do it. ^ ^
