Happy St. Valentine's Day<3

OK! So...Many of you on here are probably like me.
You're going to spend Valentine's Day alone. IT IS OK. :)
God has enough love for you that He will get you the love you are looking for.

Our God is different than any other god in any other religion. Our God is a God that loves. Love is not something scientifically measured and it is something that science cannot explain. That is proof that God exists because there is no scientific reason to love someone. If you only believe in science people would choose someone to be with based on whether or not they have good genetics. And you would most definitely NOT have a homosexual couple, due to the fact same sex cannot reproduce.

So, there has to be something there...something more that makes people love. That is God. God loves us very much and made us in His image, thus we love as He does. We are to love Him and each other.

Do not ever forget that God loves you. He made YOU for a reason. He has a plan for you. He made woman come from the man's side, so that they will create one whole person. There is someone out there for you, do not despair. :)


God Bless,
