Discussion #2

Soooo....I'm already getting a smidge behind on my plan. WHOOPS. XD;;; BUT UM...ANYWAYS....
Before I post the new topic I was gonna write what I personally believe about the last discussion...
The question I posed was, "Is it possible to be an anime fan and a Christian?"
the answer is yes. :)
I believe as long as what you are watching does not compromise your values then it's acceptable.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't enjoy anime and be a good Christian.<3
I had a longer reply....BUT I KINDA FORGOT WHAT IT WAS...WHOOPS. XD;;;

Question of the week.
This is the Lent season...so...my question is...
Do you practice Lent? Why or why not? And if you do...what did you give up this year?

God Bless,
