OK,I'm officially sooooo happy! See?
Why am I happy? Well, it's because I've found most of my pals! Welcome to the VV, capture and EnteiWolf! Oh, and a HUGE thank-you to deadly neko and her pal Caitlin. Thanks a lot!
OK, that's the happy part. But I'm not feeling too happy right now. Last night, I heard a song on TV, Amy Winehouse's new number Love is a Losing Game. God, since then my head's buzzing like a truckload of bees. Every time I see a couple or watch a lovey-dovey anime on TV, I feel the urge to scream: "Don't you understand? Your love is nothing; it's destined to die!" It's kinda the truth, isn't it? With love, there's a large chance of losing everything. Love has the potential to destroy us all.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just turning . Hope not, though!
