Well I slept over at my cousins house. :D
But I just wanted to wish yall a happy new year.
I sure hope 2009 will be a better year than the last.
![External Image](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/zero.jpg)
So, Merry Christmas!!
Tonight we are going to my grandmas house and having christmas dinner [just like every year]. I am seriously excited to go. I love the food my aunts make. It's so freaking delicious. We don't do a Chinese traditional dinner but the American food is so damn good. My aunt's mash potatoes are GODLY/HOLY. That is really what makes me excited to go. KAHAHHAA. Ok so later on today we are going over to my cousins house to open our secret santa gifts. I REALLY WANNA KNOW WHO HAS ME!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I GOT!!!!!!! OMFG!!
So i hope yall are gong to spend your christmas' with your family and loved ones.
and once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS! <3
hmm. yeah. I lied. I'm back. haha.
I'm on winter break right now. :]
It would have been great so far if my mom didn't treat me like a slave though. =.=
I have a feeling, this winter break is going to be a break filled with being slaved around by my parents and doing errands. [sigh] what a bummer.
Christmas is almost here. FUN :D
oh yeah. Vampire Knight Guilty is so damn good right now. OMFG. :D
Hey guys, it's been a while.
I just read a recent post by a friend here and it really made me realize that I shouldn't drag this out anymore. I have been trying really hard to blog consistently but I can't do it anymore. It's come to the point where it's almost become a hassle to blog. I will not be blogging anymore. BUT I will still be lurking around theOtaku in the Fanart & Wallpaper sections. I will still be a part of the community. If anyone ever needs me just PM me or you can find me at Otakuboards. I am on Otakuboards very often and I check this site once in a while. If anyone wants to contact me via email, just PM me and I'll happily give it to you. This really isn't a goodbye, but a see ya later. :]
![External Image](http://i35.tinypic.com/29fcn4k.jpg)
I think my bed is going to be the death of me. Lately I've been sleeping in so long, I barely wake up in time to pick my brother and cousin up from school on time. And they get out at 2:45pm haha. Everytime I lift up my head trying to drag myself out of bed, the comfort of my mattress would drag me back into bed. D: I can't get up!! I guess I kind of brought this onto myself by sleeping so late. I've been sleeping around 4am everyday. It's like a disease.
Class is sucking my brain dry, as always. its SOOOOO boring. How can someone make math SOOOO boring. Seriously. And it doesn't help that my teacher sucks and he thinks he's funny when he's just rude and threatens to send you to the deans if you ask a classmate a question. He's such an asshole. His jokes arent even funny. ughhhh.
I should change the look of my site. It's kind of ugly. haha.
hmmm. Anyone dressing up on halloween? If yes, what are you going to be dressed as?
I'll be dressing up as Gloomy Bear. :D
I have a feeling I've already asked this question.....