Its almost like its retarded fanservice.

ahh. it was nice. I finally broke free from my artblock.
After a long time of producing nothing but crackdoodles and failed sketches i open up NekoPaint and begin to doodle.
"I think...ill do something dynamic >|D" I say |:

ahh...then i rea;ize i suck at that stuff orz so what came out of this picture?

it was gonna be a girl hangin from a tree. i couldnt foreshorten right so i flipped it to look like she was laying down. realized it looked like a porn pose so i flipped it again |:

ahh. but what happens when you flip things around so much but you're still proud of the time you did put in it?
you come out with a malformed picture with pretty coloring orz

TL;DR version:

I sketched something too hard for me, tried fixing, tried fixing again, anatomy came out retarded
and now she looks like a pinup c|
External Image
sai told me to post it ill do that here DB
anatomy is kinda screwed over so sorry u_u

AHHH yes. so as ive been unproductive my contest has still been running so dont forget~

if you wanted to enter you only have 15 days left~! 'c'/)

and my pic got picked for a news nugget...i feel special BD
