Graphics Advice and Shtuff?

I don't have anymore time today, but I did find some really awesome scans that I'd like to use in a possible next wallpaper or eCard. :D

I Like Potatoes and Strawberry Ice Cream omnomnom

For the next few days, I'm going to be experimenting a lot with different styles of graphics (eg playing around with blur and sharpen, layer curves, colors, etc) in order to improve my work so I'd really appreciate any tips!

Also, are you supposed to have your username on every graphics thing? I just realized that I've done it, but only a few times because I hate typography and hate having text on my stuff (hence why my typography on my eCards and wallpapers is so trololol LOL). I think I should start putting my name in every corner, but I think it would look really ugly and awkward. xC
