Giving Up

For a moment I want to give. I want to forget I am living in an immutable fate trapped in a cycle of unfair overwork and release myself from the suffocation that I am (overdramatically and delusively) enduring.

I want to forget that I have to take 4 additional online AP classes just so that I can have the same GPA as someone who doesn't have band and only takes honor classes offered at the school.

I want to forget that it's too late for me to start ECs and volunteer work, and that I haven't done anything "significant" in my life.

I want to forget that for every achievement of mine that I extol, there are kids my age who have done 10x the achievement and I force myself to vilify my own pride.

I want to forget that my relatives around me have gone off to Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Seoul University, and I am expected to accomplish no less.

I want to forget that I'm 20 pounds overweight and judged by my relatives, and I want to forget about every contemptible judgment from society that curtails me from being and expressing myself.

I want to forget that society is conventional and hypocritical, telling me to do one thing and contradicting its statement a split second later.

I want to forget, forget, forget, and forget until time rewinds and freezes at a time where I had no worries. But if that happened, I guess living life would be too easy. Everyone wants to forget, but we all eventually have to face our adversaries. It's okay to want to forget, it's okay to dream, it's okay to rebel, it's okay to rant about your troubles, and it's okay to close your eyes for a moment and take a quick break, as long as you don't inundate yourself in delusions and live in an eternal fallacy of cowardice.

I love the irony in ranting using verbose language. I feel like I'm being held in high esteem LOLOLOLOL. /shot'd

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on a completely random note, I love Ao Haru Ride.
and these random blurbs of randomness are genius lolol. By writing this I just got a bajillion theme ideas for Harry Potter. AP English here I come.
