PSA: Very important please read!

My dear ghosts and ghouls there is a new person you all need to watch out for, mostly the females. His name is HeeroYuy0. He has been harassing both myself a friend of mine. Disrespecting both our relationships and not taking "No" for an answer. Plus he claims to be 30 years old. He will try to kiss you by pining you down and doing it. He wont take no for answer even if you have already told him that you are with someone. Both my friend and I told him that we had someone. He disrespected them and us by saying such things as "girlfriend? what you need is me." "Will you marry me?" "Can you hook with up with your friend?" Note that all this was said after we told him that we had someone. He continued to harass both of us. I got mad after he disrespected my partner and I blocked him. I would advise all of you to do the same because this guy is 50 shades of creepy, rude and pushy. Please be safe out there everyone.
