Hey this a joint story about vampires, demons, wereanimals, shapeshifters ect. Your OC can be anything you want it to be. I will post my bio when at least 2 other people have agreed to join. If you want to join please fill out this bio. Swearing is acceptable as long as you black it out/ Put a * to replace at least one letter.
WARNING: This world may contain swearing, blood, gore, and other stuff that might be considered over Pg13. We try to keep this to a minimum. If you don't like it, you have been warned.
OC bio layout
People that have joined so far
EoAA - Catherine (Vampire)
DN Fangirls - Phyllis (Vamp shapeshifter)
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko Myoko (Shapeshifter)
dutch13 - Cujo (Werewolf)
VampireBat12 - Cain Ravenwood (Vampire)
littlepooch - Deichi (Shapeshifter)
Saz Chrithclow - Lulu Isabelle (White winged feathery Fairy) (if anybody wants to take over her OC...)
Eiri Yuki s Lover - Aki (Fallen angel)
moonsailor - Luc Delancy (half-vampire, half-human)
OK so this is the point system. 10 points for the bio. 5 points for other posts. At 100 points your OC can get a new power. At 200 points you can create a new OC. Minor characters like Saz Chrithclow's Xanxiera don't count as a new OC. You can create new charcters but they can only be minor until you reach 200 points. Then you can chose to make them major. You can have as many minor characters as you want.
EoAA - 140
DN Fangirls - 140
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 210
dutch13 - 215
VampireBat12 - 80
littlepooch - 150
Saz Chrithclow - 105
Eiri Yuki s Lover - 95
moonsailor - 20
Hope no one minds but this will be written in first person (your character point of veiw)
WHEEEE! I haven't posted in foever and i'm sorry about that but...i was sooooooo lost! And still am, i have no clue where EoAA and i left off so i'm started where the mind contol thingy was left off...should be a joy!
As soon as we stopped glinding on the dirty floor of the club, she steped off my chest, and i looked up into the small vampire's eyes, i was captivated and lost my self contol immediatly as a new force gripped my legs, arms, mind, and body. A sick sense of remorse came over me, but i shook it off as we stopped in a n ally way. My eyes were just coming into focuss when she turned on her heal, eyes narrowed at me.
"What do you know about the new laws?" She questioned, gently.But even so, i jumped from the sudden hotographic click of a memory of Jesse spiining on his heal to face me as she did.
I composed myself shortly after and put on my best facade of a cheeky teen who had a atitude.
"New laws?" I asked, my looked up at the sky thinking. I hadn't heard anything about new laws...
"Yes, yes, new laws!!" She said, getting angry at my silence.
"Nothing. No, nothing at all. I didn't even know there were any..." My facade slipped, me not caring if she saw the bi-polar like change as i probed my mind for anything at all over the last years i had been free in the world....
That's when i felt the probing sensation in my mind, slipping ever so gently through a barrier...I forced another off, cutting access. Geez! Feels like mind r*pe...like Jesse...Why do i keep thinking of him...am i that hung up about what had happened?? I thought i started a new life already dammit! But i guess i hadn't...i'm still living in the past...
The Girl snapped her fingers in my face. "Boy! Tell me your name!" She snapped.
One of my eyebrows rose automatically. Where dose this little powerful vampy get off calling me 'boy'??
"Cain," I answered anyway, quite reluctantly. "Cain Ravenwood. And you, you little ball of sugar." The last part sarcastic. To H*ll if this girl was sugar...more like snake venom!
She scwoled at me, a force pushing me back into the ally wall, holding me still, making me look at her. Another snpashot of him bending over to stare at me.... I shook it away...one of these days i swear i'll snap...
"Now, don't you start getting cheeky with me, idiot! You have no idea, who you're dealing with!" She said in my face. "My name's Cathrine, the little brown-haired girl said, curls bouncing, eyes enchanting.
She let me off then.
I fell to the ground and kneeled before her, it seemed like the right thing to do...
"It is an honor, Master Cathrine..." I said in my most sinser voice... afterall, i was godd*mn used to it!
She stared at me, saying "Come," as she walked off, not using any power.
Something rattled in the corner of the ally then. I looked, smelled something different, and then shook it off. Probably just a stupid cat...
I fallowed this new girl down the street and through the night...
K!! That's it for now!! i wanna watch a christmas movie with my friend!! Hope you enjoyed and please, EoAA!! Pm me or comment so that we can brainstorm!!
here's mine!
Name:Jesse (pronounced Jess-ay)
Age:24(or at least that's how he looks)
Hair:Fiery red with black and white tips and streaks
Eyes: Fiery red
Weight: 95 Lb
Height: 6 feet tall
Distinguishing features:Mostly his eyes, hair, abilities, and silver coated fangs, and his insane thought process....
Weapons: Mostly knives, but also a long dragon Katana
Powers: Too many to list but here are examples: mind control, parisidic magics(he can kill someone from the inside out), and the element of fire.
Enemies:Almost the whole Vampire Comunity, mostly the Court of the Elders, and Cain(though he refuses to acknowlage it.)
Allies:His band of minnions who do his biddings(though he trusts them like anyone would trust a hungry shark)
Family:Completely unknown even to him
Personality:Dark, melevolent. He acts like a possesed child and even if you think he has let down his gaurd, you are sadly mistaken. He is...well, completely mentally insane and he knows it. He's as tricky as a weasel and a million times as dangerous.
Basic Description:Well, he's somewhat gay and likes to torture people as he sees fit, usually on a whim.He says he loves Cain, but is it really true?? He dose what he wants when he wants to and says exactly what's on his mind(unless it's a battle plan.)
Clothes:Likes to dress in leather, usually things he can lace up. Long boots, leather pants with chains criss-crossed, studded belts, silver riddled rings on his fingers(probably where Cain gets it from), a spiked dog collar, black and white striped shirts or purple, and usually a unique crown on the top of his fiery red hair.
Brief history:He dosn't remember jack squat about his human life, but he remember everything from when he opened his eyes a vampire in the early 1800s under a bridge waterway in London. He was a rebellion until recognized by the Court Of Elders as not registered as a vampiric citizen. When the Court locked Jesse up, claiming he was a danger to the whole entire universe, as a young vampire teen, they soon came to realize his unique abilites as he tried and failed many times to get out of his magiked cell. As he got older locked up like a trapped bird, his mind seemed to grow thick with fantasies, writing on the walls with the other prisoner's blood. When he finally became contained, as the Court thought, they apointed him a Vampire General because of his abilities.
After he assasinated one of the Six Vampire Elders, he was stripped of his possition and he ran off to start an army of him own, a much more powerful one. Though...he is actrually lonely, he finds serenity in torture.
Wow...Jesse is more than kinda cracked. He's one h*ll-of- a wackjob if you ask me! He's not the perfect villian but i wanna know what you people think!
--V.B (Akira)
"B-Because, I-I LIKE YOU!!!!" I looked at her, part surprised..Part not...I had a blank expression and I just stared at her. She was blushing and I was sure I was too..
"W-well?" She asked. I-I needed time to think, I needed to be away from...
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Hair:long black
Eyes:deep and red
Weight:270 pounds
Height: 6'6"
Species: vampire
Distinguishing features: eyes
Weapons: short katana
Powers: speed,strength,hearing, and sight
Enemies: anyone in his way
Allies: who ever pays him
Family: parents dead, younger brother missing.
Personality: greedy, silent,
Basic Description:wears black, very pail, deep red eyes, long black hair.
Clothes: black trench coat, dog collar, dressy shirts and pants, chains, and dressy shoes
Brief history: after his parents died his younger brother was he only family he had. One night he was walking back to his foster home after staying late at school. he got lost and soon it got dark. He was attacked by a vampire and infected. He became one. wanting to keep his family safe. He was searched for but after several weeks was presumed dead. since then he has wanted revenge on for being infected and became a hunter.
This is my bad guy idea. ^ ^let me know what yall think.