DX I’m sorry!!! I hope I wasn’t holding up the story >3<U
Waking up slowly I opened my eyes and looked around the room and realized that I didn’t recognize it…Did I sleep walk? Owo’
Suddenly I was aware that someone else was in the room. Turning my head I saw it was just Aki..So this must be his room. I sat up and Aki looked up at me. I was about to ask him what happened when he just got up with out a word and left the room.
“Weird..” I shook my head and stretched trying to remember what had happened… I went to talk to Aki…Then went to talk to Phyllis…Then what? I had found Phyllis and tried to talk to her…She kind of freaked out..Then that’s when I must have blacked out, and I wake up here…
I opened my eyes…I needed to talk to her. She had told me I was being controlled..Tch not a chance, and if I was don’t you think I would be aware? I got out of the bed and paced around. Where the h*ll had Aki disappeared off to?!
Finally I got sick of pacing(X3 After a few seconds anyway…) and needed to go and talk to Phyllis. I turned to the door then decided I didn’t want to go and run into anyone. I made my way to the window and forced it open and changed my self to a hawk and was about to fly away when the door opened.
Looking over my shoulder I recognized Aki along with Emiko and Cujo.
“Where do you think you’re going, Deichi?” Emiko hissed and made her way over to the window. I huffed but changed back to my human form.
DX I’m sorry it took so long to post!
I had finished my breakfest and i began to feel energized again. We waited for Diechi to come in but before long we began to think the he wasnt coming. I looked back at Emiko and asked,"will you help me?". "help ya do what?", she asked. I turned to stand out of the bed. i began to stand up. She rushed over and grabbed my harm. I shoved my self up. I was immediatly hit with dizziness. I paused and took some deep breaths. I began to wobble across the floor trying to keep my balance. I managed to get over being dizzy and we went into the living of the house. I sat down in a fancy chair take a rest. "thanks Emiko, i think ill be back to normal with in a few hours", i thanked her with a slight blush. she nodded but seconds later came catherine with a serious look on her face.
someone continue please. sorry for shortness.
I awoke to the murmur of voices and a warmth beside me that I wanted to cuddle against. Before I could, my mind went into action and I realized whom I was laying against and who else was in the room. I blinked a few times and listened to Cujo and Catherine talk. Apparently, Cujo still wasn't a hundred percent. Dang it.
"Look it was my choice ok. Im fine give me something to eat and alittle more rest and ill be back to myself." Cujo wispered, obviously trying not to wake me. Catherine turned around and shut the door behind her. Cujo looked down and caught me staring up at him. I noted his pink face and smiled slightly, my own face a rose color. "Did I wake you?" he asked.
I shook my head as I went to get up, but he held onto my waist. "Stay a little longer? It's still early in the morning."
I would have give him whatever he wanted at that moment, and so I obliged him and rested my head in the crook of his arm. We laid there in silence until Cujo's breakfast was brought to him a while later. I sat up and watched him eat a few bites.
"I'm going to wander downstairs for a moment. I'll be back," I told him as I got up. I headed for the door and after opening it, I turned for one last glance at Cujo. He looked tons better than last night, that was for sure. Head down, I turned and headed down the hall.
I wondered what everyone else was up to. No one was anywhere to be seen. I could sense Deichi and Aki in Aki's room, but Phyllis was not around, at least not that I could sense. Frowning, I opened Aki's door. Deichi would know what happened to her.
Deichi was sleeping on the bed, and Aki was looking out the window. Reminded me of Cujo and I last night. Aki turned upon hearing me enter.
"What happened?" I demanded glancing at Deichi's resting form. He didn't look very peaceful at all for a guy that was supposed to be sleeping.
"That's something he is going to have to answer when he wakes up," Aki informed me. "I didn't really see anything."
I sighed. Great. Just great. "Let me know when he is awake. I want to be here when he spills his guts, but I don't want to leave Cujo's side for very long." I hadn't meant to say that last part out loud. I turned and headed to the door.
"Cujo? What's wrong with him?" Aki asked.
I shook my head. "It doesn't concern you." I closed the door behind me as I headed down the hall back to the room. Cujo was just finishing eating. Color was filling his skin again. He was no longer that pale white.
I filled him in on everything that I had learned, which wasn't a lot and sat next to him in bed, waiting for Deichi to come to.
I was sleeping soundly. I wasnt dreaming i was just in complete relaxation and then I felt a warmth against me. I wrapped my arm around the source of the warmth. I had no control over myself. I just hugged it I then woke up with. First i saw the room lit with orange. It was morning. I looked down and saw Emiko asleep and i was holding her close. I didnt want to wake her so i lade my head back down and rested alittle more. I heard the door open and catherine was standing there. "I cant beleive you let her bite you.", she said obviously angered. I glared at her and looked back down at Emiko who was still asleep.
"if your going to help me i need you at full energy!", she said abit louder.
"look it was my choice ok. Im fine give me something to eat and alittle more rest and ill be back to myself.", i wispered. She turned around and shut the door behind her. I looked down and saw Emiko looking up at me. my face went pink.
someone continue please!
It seemed like i had just fallen asleep, when i heard someone pounding at the door. I grumbled, but got up and answered it anyway. I was surprised to see Deichi standing there. He informed me that there was a new member to our little group, but i guess my excitement was lacking, because he seemed disappointed when he left. I shook my head. "Great. Another one." I decided that since i was up that i would walk around. "Its not like ill be able to get back to sleep again. Maybe ill even run into the new person?" I hadnt gotten far when i heard a commotion going on ahead of me. When i turned the corner i saw Phyllis running off somewhere. "Whats up with her?" A low moan dragged my attention to Deichi. I crouched down next to him. He was out of it, but he would be ok. I picked him up and carried him back to my room. I layed him on the bed and then i sat in a chair. When he woke up he would have some questions to answer.
Wow ok that was painfully short. -__- Im sorry. Thanks for keeping Aki in the story Pooch ^^ i was gonna post the other day, but we got landed with a project. I should be on for a little while on Sunday so ill try to post again then ^^