I turned to look at them after Deichi called to me. Did i want to go with them? I wasnt sure, but for some reason i didnt want them to leave either. Phyllis was spaced out. Deichi snapped his fingers and Phyllis looked at him. He said something to her. I laughed. "You two are deffinitly falling for each other!" I was shocked at my outburst, but was blown back by the two of them yelling about just being friends. Deichi used the word companion though, which seemed to anger Phyllis. She asked me to go find Emiko. "Uh ok." I flew up and scaned the skys. I saw a speck fall off and realized it was Emiko. I flew towards he. I was thinking back to what had happened. I had laughed. I hadnt laughed since i fell. The sound was strange to me. Alien. "Maybe if i stay with them i will unlock more feelings?" I hoped that this would prove to be untrue. "I dont want to feel anything for anyone ever again." I picked up speed when i saw Emiko dive behind some trees. When i got there all saw was a house. Part of the wall was missing and i realized that Emiko had gone in there. I landed and headed for the door.
~Gahh i have to go. I have some work i have to do. -__-