I blinked in surprise. "Why should I show you my true form...Not saying that I even HAVE one." I said and glanced away. True, I had one, but its not like I would show her...Or anyone...Ever...
"So your saying you don't have on?" She asked and tipped her head to the side. "I may or I may not." I said simply getting a little nervous but trying to stay calm.
Phyllis frowned. "Its a yes or no question. Yes, you have a true form or no you don't." I looked at the ground. "No I don't have on." She didn't seem to believe me.
"Come on..We should go and find the others." I mumbled and started walking.
o0o' Why won't you tell her the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deichi: >>' cause...
Me: Pst!*glances around ta make sure Deichi can't hear* Put two and two togeather~! ^^' He can't true inta humans, and can only turn inta animals! Human form+anaimal form=? ^-^'
Deichi: DX What did you tell them?
Me: o-o' Nothing.....