Emiko stood infront of me in a fire demon form and prepared for a fight. The vampires and shapeshifters ahd weapons drawn but the people who brought me here just staired and watched. I walked over to the strang vampire girl. I dont know who you are or what you want with me so we are leaving. Emiko walked past me for the door. A massive amount of heat was coming off of her in her new form. We walked out the door and back to the woods she changed back into a vampire and we walked toward where the group was last. she lead the way. Before we got to them i tapped her on teh shoulder and we stopped."i got to know why did you come looking for me?", i asked. She turned with her face turning red. "I-I j-just didnt want to be alone. and like you said before. safety in numbers", she replied. She continue walking and soon we came to to the cave. I grabbed a large backpack of gear and we started looking for the others. I saw deichi punch Phyllis in the side of the arm. Me and Emiko walked up to them. Diechi walked upto mea nd shoved me."where have you been?! im walking along and when i turn your gone"., he asked. I looked at him in a calm tone and said,"i got side tracted". he roled his eyes.
someone continue. ^ ^ ok the group is abck together except for Aki