I walked up to Cujo and shoved him laughing. "Where have you been?! I'm walking along and when I turn your gone." Cujo looked at me calmly, "I got side tracked." I rolled my eyes.
Then there was some flapping and Aki landed. "You're a fast little angel, you should have been able to keep up." Emiko said.
He sighed. "I'll keep up with you when you don't just go run off like that." I snickered and looked at Phyllis. She looked at me then looked away. I sighed and went over to talk to her. "Look..Phyllis...Sorry I ran away...I just kinda panicked." She still wasn't looking at me. I looked down at the ground. "And I do like you...A lot...Like I said. I just panicked."
"So. Do you for give me?"
XD DUDE! PEOPLES POST!!!! o-0 and sorry for the shortness....
By the way I don't know if Saz told you or not but she can't get on theO any more ;-;