
The nightmares were getting to me again. All I could see was the faces of those I had been so close to. Their blood on my clothes and hands, a few droplets on my face. I was holding up the claws of some random vampire I had shifted into and was laughing maniacally. They were begging for their lives, but I paid no attention as I brought down my hand. A snap filled my senses.

I felt myself falling. I opened my eyes and grabbed the nearest branch and landed gracefully on the ground. Cujo was beneath me, as though he thought I was going to fall. As if. I wasn't that clumsy. I stayed crouched real low and listened. Something had awakened me, thankfully.

Someone was coming this way. I looked over and saw Phyllis getting out of the tent, albeit a little loudly. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to my side, placing my index finger at my lips, signaling for her to be quiet. I took a few steps forward in my crouched position and made my way to the tall grass and hid behind a tree. I morphed into the Goddess of Darkness and waited.

I vanished into the darkness and attacked whatever it was that was coming our way. There was a tiger, a lion, a jaguar, and a bunch of vampires. I took out the nearest vampire with a swing of my arm. I was breaking another one's arm when Cujo, Phyllis, Deichi, and Aki showed up at my side.

None of the vamps attacked them. They were too focused on me. I fought back, knocking them all away from me. The teeth and claws dug their way into my flesh; there was just so many that no matter how many I got rid of, ten more would show up in their place.

"Why aren't they attacking us?" Phyllis asked aloud as Cujo and Aki came to help me.

"Wait!" Deichi ordered them. I jumped into the air, doing a back-flip in the air and landing gracefully at Phyllis's side. "They want us alive for whatever reason," he pointed out.

True, they hadn't been out to kill me while I had killed them. The vampires surrounded us and one stepped up. "You better come with us. Our master would love to meet you."

I didn't like this one and I stepped forward to put him in his place, but Cujo grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I sighed, morphing into a water demon. I took the lead and followed the vamps to their master. I wondered just what they wanted from us.

If it was a fight the master was looking for, a fight was what he/she would get.

Ok, I got us headed towards Catherine's group. Your profile said her allies were cats and vampires, so I incorporated them into the story.

Me: Sorry about Emiko killing off a few of your allies.
Emiko: I'm not sorry
Me: *smacks her* You should be! Ignore her
