Not weak

"So will you help?" I asked the group. Emiko lent off the wall and walked over to me. She towered above my height.

"I'll do it" She said putting a hand on her hip. "I'm in" She said again, nodding. I smiled up at her, crinking my neck to look up to her eye.

"What about you all?" I asked, looking at the rest of them.

"I'll help you fight this person" Deichi said, walking over to me. I felt d*amned small.

"Well? Phyllis? Cujo? Aki?" Deichi asked the rest. Cujo stood up and walked nearer, he looked down to meet me in the eyes.

"Who is this villian? If your so powerful then why do you need our help?" I glared at him, he had no idea what I was up against! I felt the anger boil up inside me. I tried to shut it off and remain calm, but it was too late. I closed the distance between us and leapt quickly, closing one of my tiny hands around his throat. I threw him to the ground, my grip tightening.

"You have no idea" I hissed "This guy is more powerful the I, or any of us. I need help to defeat him. It would help you aswell. I am going to be one of the first out of many who are going to be targeted. He would take out any people who are roaming with ease. Not only that but, I suspect he may have some allies, who will also be powerful." Cujo struggled for air.I released my grip on his throat, but I didn't let him up. I thought that Emiko needed to know that I could defeat someone without controlling them. She seemed to suspect that, perhaps because of my size, I would be easy to defeat if I could not control the cat in a shapeshifter or a vampire of my bloodline. Ha, she has no idea. And, I felt it kick in. I had just gained a bit more power. Which means one thing. I have a new poer I had to test out. This might be fun.
