What'd I Miss?

It seemed like i had just fallen asleep, when i heard someone pounding at the door. I grumbled, but got up and answered it anyway. I was surprised to see Deichi standing there. He informed me that there was a new member to our little group, but i guess my excitement was lacking, because he seemed disappointed when he left. I shook my head. "Great. Another one." I decided that since i was up that i would walk around. "Its not like ill be able to get back to sleep again. Maybe ill even run into the new person?" I hadnt gotten far when i heard a commotion going on ahead of me. When i turned the corner i saw Phyllis running off somewhere. "Whats up with her?" A low moan dragged my attention to Deichi. I crouched down next to him. He was out of it, but he would be ok. I picked him up and carried him back to my room. I layed him on the bed and then i sat in a chair. When he woke up he would have some questions to answer.

Wow ok that was painfully short. -__- Im sorry. Thanks for keeping Aki in the story Pooch ^^ i was gonna post the other day, but we got landed with a project. I should be on for a little while on Sunday so ill try to post again then ^^
