
I’m sorry to interrupt and everything, but there’s a little something we need to discuss. I’m not sure who knows, but EoAA was banned from theOtaku for inappropriate talk in the chat room. And as far as I can see, she isn’t coming back.

SO, I talked about it a little with Moonsailor, we came to a few conclusions, but I thought it would be best to include all members (that still come on anyway)

Do you think we should try and continue Joint Story or just let it die? >>’ I actually want Joint Story to continue because for a while, it was really fun. But from what I know from rps, the two most things that kill them are; 1. Having no storyline, and 2. The leader not coming on enough/neglecting the rp/etc.

If JS were to continue, I think it would be best for someone to kinda be fill in leader >>’ (btw, I’m not saying I should be leader ^^UUUU I’m just trying to get things organized…) and I’m not really sure who would make the best(fill in…)leader.

Lastly, for JS to continue, the next plot REEEAAAALLLLLLLLYYYY needs to be put into play. ^^’’’’ I’m serious, they’ve been at that house an awful long time….

*bows* So, please comment with what you believe we should do.


Recent Banning Explained

EDITED-Alright, so from what I've heard from people, they would enjoy it if this roll play continued, and that it might be best to have a new leader(or at least a fill in one)

Also, from what a member on here has told me, EoAA might be rejoining, but under a different username. Weather or not she rejoins or not, lets assume that she's gone.

So next thing that I think needs to be discussed would be, who should be(fill in)leader. After that is decided, I will edit this post again. Once the leader is decided, it's their turn ta get this place in shape. (by that I mean get a new plot running >>""")

And what do you think we should do with EoAA's OC? Since she might be coming back, maybe it would be best to just have her say behind or something?

Emm...I guess to keep things simple for getting the leader, what about majority vote, you can't vote for your self? (otherwise we might not get anywhere...), and vote once?

DN Fangirls-1

And Moonsailor and Eiri Yuki s Lover don't want to be leader ^^' Oh yeah, and for the time being, I think Vampirebat12 kinda dissapeared from theO .___.''

Oh yeah, my vote goes for Win-Chan ^^


Well, from what the members who are on here/able to get on and voted, XxXWinXGirlXxX has gotten majority vote. ^^ So, I guess the best way to say it is, the floor is now yours~ (unless EoAA possibly comes back)

