anyone with a vamp character make sure you read this.
What’s been come up with so far;
Drink blood (human, vamp and bottled), can’t go out at day (exceptions to this e.g. day walkers), can be killed by fire, beheading and stake through the heart, different bloodlines have different powers, other supernatural creatures can be turned into vamps e.g. were’s and demons, basic vamp powers are increased senses, speed and strength, powers can grow and develop over time.
Things that need to be addressed;
How vamps are turned/made, I think we should go with blood exchange as it’s more logical than the one bite stuff, (maths says the one bite would make more vamps than humans after a period, they would grow exponentially x^2 (blame my maths class for that)).
I cant think of anything else right now its 1.00am and I’m not thinking properly, also I had twice this typed up and then my computer crashed and I cant remember what I had. I’ll update this soon. If you want to discuss/change/add anything say so in the comment box.
Bye for now *falls asleep*