j.f's Factious Factoids #3

Animanga you oughta know: Video Girl Ai (manga) is a 15-volume manga series written by Masakazu Katsura and published by Shueisha. This manga was serialized in Japan by Shonen Jump (1989-1992) and in the US by Animerica Extra (1998). It was made into an OAV as well as a live-action movie.

Today in History: In 1914, in the midst of pitched battle, a German soldier started singing carols in German. Seeing this, the English soldiers on the other side began their own caroling. This escalated to such an extent that the warring governments in London and Berlin officially decided to call a ceasefire. Thus began the Christmas truce of WW1, an event that "left a lasting legacy of mutual respect,kindness, and honor."

Fact you oughta know: It was Jagadish Chandra Bose from India who developed the radio first. His contributions went unrecognized, however, because Marconi went to the authorities first!
